Our Environmental Values

Although we are a small business, we still believe it is important to reduce our impact on the environment.

Professionally, we strive to ensure our agency leaves the world a better place. In our day to day operations we aim to ensure our impact on the local environment is minimal.

Our office in Sheffield was originally developed as a social enterprise incubator hub. It was built to minimise impact on the environment with features such as a rainwater harvesting system. There is a bike storage facility for staff who wish to cycle to work and we have on site showers.

All offices are laid out to maximise light, which means the lights don’t need to be on all the time. There is also motion sensor/timer controlled lighting in communal areas.

We further reduce our impact on the environment by:

  • travelling by using public transport where practical.
  • allowing our team to work remotely.
  • carrying out meetings via Skype or Google Hangouts where possible to reduce travel.
  • using environmentally friendly cleaning products.
  • using energy efficient products and environmentally friendly consumables.
  • using rechargeable batteries.
  • turning off equipment and use energy efficient settings where possible.
  • recycling wherever possible.
  • buying products made from recycled materials where possible.
  • ensuring all electrical equipment is low power and switched to ‘standby’ or ‘off’ when not in use.
  • keeping printing to a minimum, and use electronic means of communication wherever possible.